Daisies for Summer

When I first became aware of the double pearl earring trend a few years ago, I thought it was odd. I wasn't sure how I felt about the huge pearl behind the ear. It’s a critical part of the earring style but  big pearl in the back seemed clunky somehow, and I wondered if the earrings were painful or awkward to wear (the way heavy or cumbersome earrings can sometimes be.) I did admire the double pearl earrings of Dior, especially the pair with the bees, but being Dior of course they're pricey so I never gave them much thought.

Fast forward 3 or 4 years to present day; how surprising that this earring trend is still going strong! In my opinion, any trend that doesn't fade after a season or two deserves a closer look. Although I still cannot justify splurging on a high-end version, a few weeks I spotted this cute white daisy and pearl pair online and I decided it was time to try out the trend for myself. Can you guess how much they cost? 

a. $0.99
b. $2.99
c. $43.99
d. $99.99

What do you think? I'll give you a hint- they were an Ebay purchase and they took a couple weeks to arrive. If you guessed the very first option, you'd be correct! Yes, for less than a dollar I got to try out the double pearl earring design. Or in my case, I guess just the big pearl behind the earlobe design. I purchased the white version (they also come in black) from this Ebay seller and my package shipped from China, hence the longish wait time. You do get what you pay for- the daisy is plastic and a bit roughly cut if you look at it super up close. The pearl is of course not a real pearl (but then again, neither is Dior's!) and one of mine had a tiny little scratch near the hole. Despite these imperfections, I am very happy I bought these cuties. 

First of all, they're totally adorable in person! The white daisy reminds me of the Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume bottle, which in turn reminds me of my mom. :) I really like the look of the large pearl behind my earlobe, it doesn't hang down awkwardly but rather gives a perky little peek-a-boo effect that I find surprisingly elegant. At the same time, the daisy in the front keeps it a little more casual, so I don't feel self conscious wearing these with jeans when I'm just out and about (or even when slobbing around at home haha...) No wonder this trend has stayed popular! 

I also found these earrings to be incredibly comfortable to wear, even for hours at a time. The big pearl is a pleasant weight but not heavy so it doesn't drag down my earlobes at all. I was a little worried about whether my piercings would react negatively to the metal of the posts because I have sensitive ears and sometimes I can have trouble with costume jewelry, but so far I've worn these about 5 times for 2-6 hours at a time and I haven't noticed and discomfort or sensitivity. Usually I react to earrings right away, within 30 minutes or so of putting them in, so I'm very hopeful these will remain comfortable to wear. 

It also cannot be denied that the shockingly low price at which I was able to purchase these adds to their charm. They're cute AND thrifty! Plus, if you're thinking extra frugally, these are actually more versatile than they appear because they can be worn several ways: you can wear the daisy front with the large pearl back, you can wear the daisy front alone and swap out the pearl back for a regular earring back, or you can wear a different stud earring in the front and use the large pearl back to give it a new look. Convertible earrings!

For a lark, today I decided to see if I could improve them a bit by smoothing the roughness of the daisies a bit with my glass nail file. The top earring is the one I took my glass nail file too, ever so gently smoothing the edge little by little. Don't worry, my nail file wasn't damaged or dulled at all. It's still not perfect but I can see the improvement when compared to the bottom earring. However, the original slight roughness of the daisy edges is really only visible when inspected up close so it's probably not worth stressing over. Who would get that close to look at your earrings anyway? On the other hand, these are so cute and even unusual, that perhaps an admiring friend might want to take a closer look. Either way, they were so cheap to begin with I figured I didn't have a lot to lose by trying to improve them, and I could always purchase another pair if I messed them up. All in all, I'm very pleased with this Ebay fashion purchase!

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